Saturday, August 9, 2014

Swenson Special Prayer Alert (Aug. 6)

Greetings in the name of our Savior from the Swensons in Minneapolis! We are pleased to report that we have cleared one of the hurdles we mentioned in our last update; specifically we received clearance on our Family Assignment! Thank you for praying for the key conversations that took place last week! And praise the Lord with us that they went well!
However, we do still have an urgent prayer request for you to lift up before the Lord and to consider concerning our financial support. We must raise $1,500/month in new commitments or increases in the next seven days! It sounds impossible, but we are trusting God to supply this need.
The reason for the rush is that our oldest son, Micah, is enrolled to complete his senior year at Christian Academy in Japan (CAJ) in Tokyo. CAJ’s school year begins on August 25, and we have concerns that it will hinder his progress toward graduation if he is too delayed in starting classes. If Micah is not able to get to Japan to enter CAJ very early in the fall term, we would likely need to delay our departure to Japan until the end of the school year, i.e., June 2015. This is because it would not be feasible for him to enter CAJ in the middle of his senior year, even at the semester break. Jonah is also registered to attend CAJ, and being that he is entering 9th grade, it would be best for him if he could begin his high school studies at CAJ for the sake of continuity.
Along with Micah and the other children, we are eager to return to Japan! We long to serve as instruments of God’s love and grace among the Japanese people and to bring the hope of the Gospel of Christ in that spiritually needy land. Will you join us in asking God to supply the financial need we are facing?

If God is leading you to partner with us financially (monthly/quarterly/yearly), you may indicate your commitment by going to our ministry page (, selecting Make a Commitment, and then following the instructions. Or you may simply let us know by phone or email, and we will be happy to help you to set up your partnership with us. 

·        For clearance on our Family Assignment.
·        For opportunities in July to share about our Japan ministry and vision at churches in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
·     That the kids have been forbearing in the face of uncertainty about the timing of our return to Japan.

·         That God would supply $1,500 per month in new support.
·         For flexibility to plan for contingencies.
·         For grace to walk by faith in the face of uncertainty.

Walking by faith,
Greg & Asa Swenson
Greg’s Cell:         612-978-6327
Asa’s Cell:            612-978-6389
WV Logo - Tagline

To contribute or to make or change a support commitment, you may go to our secure WorldVenture ministry page ( and click on Give Now or Make a Commitment on the left hand side of the page. OR you may send to:
1501 W. Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO 80120
(Please note missionary # 019 on checks).

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

日本での働きのために ― 7日間チャレンジ

ミネアポリスよりご挨拶申し上げます。 ご無沙汰しております。こちらに一時帰国のために成田を旅立ってからあっという間に一年が過ぎました。 お元気でいらっしゃいますでしょうか?お祈りに支えられて、神様から多くの養いと癒しをいただいた一年でした。


けれども、一つだけ、日本に戻るための障害になっているものがあります。 そのためにお祈りいただけたら感謝です。宣教師として日本に戻るためには、活動資金が定められた基準の100%に満たされなくてはなりません。尊い献金を既に多くの方が捧げて下さり、 あと、月額で合計、1,500ドル(15万円)献金してくださる、教会や個人の方が与えられれば日本行きの許可が下りるところまでとなりました。このメールの最後の方に詳しく説明させて頂いていますが、日本円でも簡単に献金できます。


なぜ、7日間なのかというと、 長男のマイカは今年の8月から高校の最終学年に入ります。彼は日本での適応に苦労し、様々な試練を通りましたが、この一年の間に神様が多くの奇跡を起こして下さり、彼の中に日本に対する愛情を泉のように起こして下さいました。そして最後の学年を日本で過ごすことを強く希望し、その目標を持ったことで、目覚ましく回復していきました。






Greg & Asa Swenson
1)      私たちにメールにて以下の項目をお知らせください:
·         氏名
·         連絡先(住所、電話番号、メールアドレス)
·         献金の金額と頻度
2)      振込先:
·         郵便振替:    10210-62573471
名義:            SWENSON宣教師支援会
·         銀鉱振込:    ゆうちょ銀行・支店名:〇二八(ゼロニハチ)
口座番号:    6257347
名義:            SWENSON宣教師支援会