Monday, November 29, 2010

Swenson Prayer Update - 6/7/2010

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us here in Japan! Here are some of the highlights of the Swensons over the past month or so.
  • We very much enjoyed having the Tebow family, missionary friends from MN, visit us last month (May 9-12) on their way back to the States from Thailand where they have been serving in Bible translation ministry. Their kids and ours seemed to hit it off well.

  • We had a wonderful time fellowshipping and worshiping the Lord together in song at the tonkatsu (pork cutlet) party we hosted on May 15 for the folks at Shonan Grace Chapel. We had fewer numbers due to some scheduling conflicts, but we were able to get to better acquainted with those who did come. We are hoping to help with an outreach event at Shonan early next month (see below under "Prayer Points").

  • Greg had an encouraging and enriching time at the Teamwork Meeting at Kinshuko Bible Camp (up north in Iwate Prefecture) May 17-19, fellowshipping with and learning from missionary colleagues and national pastors. It was Greg’s first time back at Kinshuko in 27 years with many nostalgic memories from the many times he went there while growing up in Japan. Praise also that Greg’s devotional message went well, receiving positive feedback. The T.M. also offered a chance to connect with pastors about potential ministry partnership opportunities in the future.

  • The CHEA (Church & Home Education Association) Japan home schooling convention we attended in Tokyo May 28-29 was fantastic. We were simply amazed to see how many Japanese families are home schooling these days. They brought in several of the speakers from the U.S., including keynote speakers, Phil & Suzy Downer. It was encouraging to hear the biblical principles fleshed out in practical ways to help parents understand that home schooling is not merely about educating your children, but about discipling them to become more Christ like.On a related note, we have more or less decided to continue home schooling our kids into the next school year. Thank you for praying with us in this regard.
  • While at the CHEA conference we met a man, Phil Broman, who has been instrumental in the growth of CHEA Japan. Having arrived in Japan from Duluth, MN 57 years ago as a teenager with a call to bring the Gospel to the Japanese, He and his brothers faithfully for served for many years in their evangelistic endeavors, including establishing a highly reputable yochien (preschool/kindergarten) in Sendai. May God cause the sown seed of their labors to bear much fruit. Here is a shot of Greg with Phil.
  • We mentioned in our last update the need for Greg to obtain a Japanese driver's license as his international one expires in October, and we are happy to report that the local driver's license test center issued me one just this past Friday (6/4) without requiring him to take either a written or driving test (the only test they required was an eye exam which he passed). We had heard reports that the Japanese authorities were clamping down on waiving exam requirements for foreign license holders, so Greg was fully prepared to have to take (& retake) tests repeatedly ever the course of perhaps several weeks (virtually no one passes the driving test the first time), but they were apparently satisfied with the documentation provided (which included every MN license he was issued since 1981 plus an expired Japanese license from when he was working in Tokyo in the early 1990s). PTL!! Thanks so much for praying!

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that Jonah & Micah will have enjoyable, spiritually enriching times as they attend Joy Bible Camp at SEND's Okutama Bible Chalet June 18-22 (Jonah) and June 23-28 (Micah).

  • The people at Shonan Grace are tentatively planning an "American style" family barbeque outreach event on July 4, inviting several neighborhood families, and I've been asked to share a brief message from the Bible at the event. Pray for the preparation and planning process and that God would prepare the hearts of the unbelievers who come.

  • Please continue to pray for our future ministry assignment.. Some pastors I connected with at the Teamwork Meeting expressed sincere interest in partnering with us in ministry. We're hoping to schedule some visits to churches over the summer, perhaps into the fall, to explore more in-depth potential ministry opportunities. Since we hope to begin as early as next April (2011), we would like to have this matter decided by the end of the year.

  • Finally, we would appreciate your prayers regarding our financial situation. Due to several factors -- namely, support attrition, increased support costs, and a weaker dollar -- presently we are significantly under funded. Our current support level is at about 81% which translates into a shortfall of about $1670 per month. The field's leadership team has temporarily granted Greg permission to engage in consulting work on a limited basis for a past Stateside client of his to help shore up some of the shortfall, but it has been difficult to work this into our schedule.

Thank you so much for praying!!

Together with you for the Gospel of Christ in Japan,

Greg & Asa Swenson
Micah, Jonah, Karin, Ellen

1 comment:

A Day in the Life of the Garsees said...

Hello Greg,

My name is Amber. I'm serving the Lord with my family in Thailand. WE've been here since 2001. I am replying to your post about meeting Paul Broman. I'm not sure if you are still in Japan. It shows the the blog hasn't been updated since 2014. I won't bore you with a long email if you aren't still in Japan. However, if you are, I would like to discuss some things with you regarding the group that the Bromans started in Japan, and see if you might be of some assistance.

Thank you,