Monday, August 18, 2008

Humle begening......

Crossing Mississippi by foot

We visited Lake Itasca where mighty Mississippi's head water was located last weekend. Kids were so excited to find out how this river begins . Surrounding by beautiful forest, Lake Itasca looked like ordinary Minnesota lake. Where the river begins, you see rocks lying across the "river" where you can actually cross Mississippi with just few steps. It was impressive . And before I knew it, kids were other side of river!

It was not like seeing Niagara falls or something like that. But I considered this experience was one of the kind you will never forget. Water was so calm and peaceful. It was so refreshing and welcoming. Kids can swim in lake and also Mississippi river which is like little creek. However, everybody there seemed to be touched by the fact they were dipping their feet where the great river just begins.
A humble beginning of mighty river. It is hard to imagine this creek leads to Gulf of Mexico.
Our vision and imagination is so limited compare to what God creates. We might never be able to see where He leads us as far as our ministry in Japan but by God's grace, we would like to be a little creek which gives joy to people and leads to greatness of God.
By the way, kids went far beyond just dipping their feet there, as we leave they were wet from head to toe and very content.

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